Solutions For Picky Eaters: Why Hiding Foods Is a Bad Idea

I know you want a solution that works for your picky eater because let’s face it: parenting picky eaters sucks. Mealtimes become a battlefield where your kids complain, you nag, bribe, and threaten, and nobody’s having a good time. And the problems continue away from the table. You worry about their nutrition needs. There’s no way they’re getting enough vitamins […]


How To Help ADHD Kids With Picky Eating

It’s not your imagination! Picky eating is more common among ADHD kids than the general population. Let’s dive into the reasons behind that and what we can do to help them adopt a more balanced diet. 3 Big Reasons For Picky Eating With ADHD & What To Do About Them 1. The Control Factor Kids with ADHD are far more […]


Creating a balanced diet for ADHD athletes

ADHD athletes have unique nutritional needs. Not only do they need all the vital nutrients for brain health, but their bodies need the right fuel to maintain stamina and energy when they practice or compete. Which nutrients are key? Competitive athletes burn up certain nutrients more than the average child. 4 nutrients to be especially mindful of are: Extra Info: […]


Supplements For ADHD

Which Supplements Are Recommended For ADHD And How They Might Help Your Child Parents often ask me whether or not they should supplement with ADHD.  And, if so, which supplements are recommended for ADHD. Of course, like the rest of your child’s health plan, supplements should be recommended on an individual basis. Therefore, advice should be based on what they’re […]


3 Things To Consider Before Trying a New ADHD Diet

These days, parents of children with ADHD/ADD have something that is both a blessing and a curse: options. Why is it important to know the 3 things to consider before trying a new ADHD diet? Because, these days, we have way too many choices. Having a lot of options can definitely be a blessing (if Plan A doesn’t work, we can […]